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Thank you for your donation. As a full time musician I was faced with the loss of my entire income overnight. Every show cancelled! The donations have been a lifeline for us personally, but they are also building a foundation of quality in what we are trying to do. I am humbled and grateful for your support. 


Please tell people about what we are doing. Encourage people to go to the website! People are craving connection right now and that is the centerpiece of these live performances. We can’t do this without you!!


I wish you calm, peace and love. 

May Gods blessings overwhelm you, and remember we are never alone as long as we are connected. 


Don’t forget to tune in to the lives stream show every Sunday at 7pm for “Chris Wilson Songs Of Faith” and every Thursday at 7pm for “The Thursday Show” 

Available through my website and our YouTube Channel


Here are the pertinent links and connection points. 


Website -  HOME | (please sign the mailing list so we can keep you up to date on new events and music!)

Email -

Facebook - Chris Wilson Music Page ( LIKE AND FOLLOW!)

YouTube - Chris Wilson (PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!)



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